Piñera Signs Education Cooperation Deal With Italy


In a recent turn of events, president Sebastian Piñera signed a deal with Rome that, in its most basic sense, created an ‘alliance’ between the universities of Chile and Italy. This partnership is theorized to inspire more breakthroughs in green energy, because of Chile’s geothermal energy potential and Italy’s technology. Now that student mobility has increased between the two countries, it is hoped that they will both begin to venture further into the field of geothermal energy. This five-year plan will give Chile the chance to start using higher-budget technology to make use of the volcanic nature of their home country, and at the same time, allow Italian students to experience hands-on usage of a largely prominent geothermal-energy promising area.

Cooperation between universities is now being encouraged to students, and it is hoped that projects will begin to be developed in the near future.

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